Live Concerts From Spiral Lounge 1999

Live Concerts From Spiral Lounge 1999
Lost Concerts presents Live concerts from the Acme Spiral Lounge in New York City from Jan 1999 to Dec. 31 1999. The concerts are all in date order. You can also check for Spiral Lounge bands at our YouTube Spiral listings as some bands have been done.
To find a band on this page you can use the CTRL+F (find) on a pc and type the band name.
Almost all these concerts are available. Contact us to request a Video. Certain fees will apply to all orders.
1/14/1999 The Bones
1/15/1999 Pangaea
1/15/1999 New Mexikans
1/15/1999 Suprox
1/15/1999 Pangaea
1/15/1999 Suprox
1/15/1999 Room On Fire
1/16/1999 Downpore
1/22/1999 Elva Udel
1/22/1999 Rock Stars
1/22/1999 Sick FM
1/22/1999 Rock Stars
1/23/1999 SOS
1/23/1999 Vykkie Vox
1/23/1999 Magnified
1/23/1999 Vykkie Vox
1/23/1999 Magnified
1/28/1999 Dan Powers
1/29/1999 Lex Grey
1/29/1999 Dan Powers
1/29/1999 The Lopes
1/29/1999 Superchink
1/29/1999 The Lopes
1/29/1999 Superchink
1/30/1999 Dead Gorgeous
1/30/1999 7th Stone
1/30/1999 Spoken Groove
2/1/1999 Sharp Opening
2/5/1999 Modesty Blaze
2/5/1999 Son
2/5/1999 Dopeamine
2/5/1999 Son
2/5/1999 Modesty Blaze
2/5/1999 Son
2/5/1999 Between The Eyes
2/6/1999 Bangalore
2/10/1999 Live Honey
2/11/1999 Nick Thompson
2/11/1999 Dan Powers
2/11/1999 Caprice
2/12/1999 Motorbaby Interview
2/12/1999 Carnival Dogs
2/12/1999 The Ugly Truth
2/12/1999 Over the Counter
2/12/1999 Over the Counter
2/12/1999 The Bones
2/13/1999 October
2/13/1999 Soulslide
2/13/1999 Stillwater
2/13/1999 Heavens Green
2/18/1999 Baba Shem
2/18/1999 Nu Africa Project
2/19/1999 Sick FM
2/19/1999 Rainbow Fresh
2/19/1999 Rebecca Hall
2/20/1999 Joe Rockhead
2/20/1999 Joe Rockhead
2/20/1999 Live Honey
2/25/1999 Lydia Alexis
2/25/1999 Ron English
2/25/1999 The Lopes
2/25/1999 Sugar Pill
2/25/1999 Daphne
2/25/1999 Carl Watson
2/25/1999 Private Joker
2/25/1999 Smile Orange
2/25/1999 Lola Rodrequiez
2/25/1999 John Ferris
2/27/1999 Freaklies
2/27/1999 Straw Dogs
2/27/1999 Thrust
3/2/1999 King Lear Jet
3/6/1999 Suprox
3/6/1999 Katy Taler
3/6/1999 Amika
3/6/1999 Ostronomy
3/6/1999 Linoleum Blownapart
3/6/1999 King Lear Jet
3/6/1999 Thrill Cycle
3/6/1999 Behind Chicken Wire
3/13/1999 Alligator Club
3/13/1999 Headquarters
3/13/1999 Psycho The Clown
3/13/1999 Lotus 33
3/13/1999 Suprox
3/15/1999 Alligator Club
3/15/1999 Phat Free
3/15/1999 Naomi
3/16/1999 Superchink
3/19/1999 Room On Fire
3/19/1999 Straw Dogs
3/20/1999 Richard X Heyman
3/20/1999 Straw Dogs
3/26/1999 Don Strange
3/26/1999 Tortuga
3/26/1999 Slush Puppy
3/26/1999 Sur Comette
4/1/1999 Tanya – Flag
4/1/1999 Poets
4/1/1999 Poetry Posse
4/2/1999 Modesty Blaze
4/2/1999 Downpore
4/2/1999 Downpore
4/2/1999 Sick FM
4/2/1999 The Bones
4/2/1999 Tammany Hall
4/5/1999 Verko & Vulcan Art Opening
4/7/1999 The Ugly Truth
4/7/1999 Jim Haze and the Buddah Brains
4/8/1999 Subcomittee
4/8/1999 Rhesin
4/9/1999 Rainbow Fresh
4/9/1999 Carnival Dogs
4/9/1999 Ceasar Pink and the Imperial Orgy
4/9/1999 Rainbox Fresh
4/9/1999 Azziza
4/10/1999 Hummer
4/10/1999 Moe Green
4/15/1999 Elva Udel
4/15/1999 Clay Pigeons
4/15/1999 Nu Africa Project
4/15/1999 All The Queens Men
4/15/1999 Celange
4/16/1999 Clay Pidgeon
4/16/1999 Hazy Jade
4/16/1999 Jim Haze and the Buddah Brains
4/23/1999 Photo By Dog
4/24/1999 Yahootee Mormons
4/24/1999 Our Savage Garden
4/24/1999 Alligators Club
4/24/1999 Heaven’s Green
4/24/1999 Fritz
4/24/1999 Buzzmeg
4/30/1999 Johnny Young
4/30/1999 Live Honey
4/30/1999 Johnny Young
4/30/1999 Crimson
5/1/1999 Rebecca Hall
5/1/1999 Velcrow Inc
5/1/1999 Shanghi Fi
5/1/1999 Shanghi Fi
5/2/1999 Gathering of the Tribes
5/7/1999 Yo Yo
5/7/1999 Yo Yo
5/7/1999 Stillwater
5/7/1999 Suprox
5/8/1999 Joe Rockhead
5/8/1999 Slave One
5/8/1999 Moodroom
5/8/1999 Psycho The Clown
5/9/1999 Modesty Blaze
5/9/1999 Psycho The Clown
5/14/1999 Ore
5/15/1999 Meaet Depressed
5/15/1999 Dreamatic
5/15/1999 October
5/15/1999 October
5/15/1999 Clay Pigeons
5/20/1999 Jenna
5/20/1999 Tara Angell
5/20/1999 Bonsai Pipeline
5/21/1999 The Cowards
5/21/1999 Thrill Cycle
5/22/1999 Peppercorn
5/22/1999 Pepper Fram
5/22/1999 Thrill Cycle
5/22/1999 Full Tilt
5/28/1999 Pirannah Brothers
5/28/1999 Sunshine
5/28/1999 Seeing Voices
5/28/1999 Velcrow, Inc
5/28/1999 Pirannah Brothers
5/29/1999 Hip Hop Mondaze
5/29/1999 Hip Hop Mondaze
5/29/1999 Fritz
5/29/1999 Special Ed
5/29/1999 Olivers Musical Genius
5/29/1999 Sunshine
5/29/1999 Hip Hop Mondaze
6/3/1999 Honey Glazed
6/3/1999 Andy Sedars
6/4/1999 Downpore
6/4/1999 Space Engine
6/4/1999 Living Proof
6/4/1999 Clay Pigeons
6/5/1999 Carnival Dogs
6/5/1999 3 Against 4
6/6/1999 Hip Hop Mondaze Fort Knox
6/7/1999 Hip Hop Fort Knox
6/11/1999 Photo By Dog
6/11/1999 Xashinto Fwong
6/11/1999 Young Miss Pathetic
6/12/1999 Z-Wheeler
6/12/1999 Ballistics
6/13/1999 Room On Fire
6/14/1999 Hip Hop Mondaze
6/14/1999 Hip Hop
6/17/1999 All The Queens Men
6/18/1999 Johnny Young
6/18/1999 Dose
6/18/1999 New Mexikans
6/18/1999 Dose
6/18/1999 Olivers Musical Genius
6/18/1999 Olivers Musical Genius
6/19/1999 Tony Saracene
6/20/1999 Bansai Pipeline
6/20/1999 Black Flamingo
6/20/1999 Tara Angell
6/21/1999 Hip Hop
6/25/1999 Tossin Skin
6/25/1999 Superchink
6/25/1999 Elizabeth Murray
6/25/1999 Tossin Flesh
6/25/1999 Tossin Skin
6/25/1999 Charles Donelan
7/2/1999 Belly Dancer
7/5/1999 Hip Hop
7/5/1999 Hip Hop
7/9/1999 Demolition Nation
7/9/1999 Crambone
7/9/1999 Crambone
7/9/1999 Behind Chicken Wire
7/12/1999 Flo Mondaze Hip Hop
7/12/1999 Mathmatic Mondays
7/13/1999 Dana Frank Art Opening
7/13/1999 Dana Frank Spiro Gira
7/13/1999 Dana Frank Art Opening
7/15/1999 Roberto Azank
7/15/1999 One Eyed Jack
7/15/1999 Bangtwister
7/15/1999 Dice
7/15/1999 Lee Klein
7/15/1999 Charles Henri Ford
7/15/1999 69 Nova
7/15/1999 Mark Aaron James
7/15/1999 69 Nova
7/16/1999 Atomsmasher
7/16/1999 Sasquash
7/16/1999 Lesbians
7/16/1999 Full Tilt
7/17/1999 Xashinto Fwong
7/17/1999 Xashinto Fwong
7/17/1999 Photo by Dog
7/17/1999 Jamyang
7/20/1999 Birdhouse
7/20/1999 Paul Murphy Band
7/20/1999 Paul Murphy Band
7/20/1999 Birdhouse
7/20/1999 Karma Zhu
7/20/1999 Pleasure Max
7/20/1999 Pleasure Max
7/21/1999 Halfman Wonder
7/21/1999 John Raferty
7/21/1999 Liquid Logic
7/21/1999 Halfman Wonder
7/23/1999 7th Son
7/23/1999 Chica Loca
7/23/1999 Sick FM
7/23/1999 Silvercene
7/23/1999 7th Son
7/23/1999 Sarah Lentz
7/23/1999 Chica Loca
7/23/1999 The Mondays
7/23/1999 Sarah Lentz
7/24/1999 Bromptons Cocktail
7/24/1999 Pfluid
7/24/1999 Pfluid
7/24/1999 J Stew Groove
7/24/1999 Symptom
7/29/1999 Toka
7/29/1999 Modesty Blaze
7/29/1999 Skinwalkers
7/29/1999 Skinwalkers
7/29/1999 Grow
7/30/1999 Caesar Pink
7/30/1999 Dulce
7/30/1999 Dulce
7/30/1999 Bangtwister
7/31/1999 Neandrathal Spongecake
7/31/1999 PTS
7/31/1999 Neadrathal Spongecake
7/31/1999 Our Savage Garden
8/7/1999 Photo By Dog
8/8/1999 Hellspawn
8/8/1999 Quasi Mofo
8/8/1999 Flow Mondaze
8/12/1999 The Fixations
8/12/1999 Novelty Shop
8/12/1999 The Lopes
8/12/1999 Neo
8/12/1999 Novelty Shop
8/12/1999 The Gal in Front
8/20/1999 Crave
8/20/1999 Crambone
8/20/1999 Kay Story
8/20/1999 Stipplicon
8/20/1999 Roman Navaro
8/21/1999 Smile Orange
8/21/1999 Buzzer
8/21/1999 Mink Lungs
8/21/1999 Atomic Martini
8/21/1999 Feel Driver
8/27/1999 Bellydancer
8/27/1999 Fritz
8/27/1999 Bellydancer
9/3/1999 Bombs Away
9/3/1999 Citizen Sound
9/3/1999 Roman Navarow
9/4/1999 Wad
9/4/1999 Pull
9/4/1999 Pull
9/4/1999 Toka
9/10/1999 Zandelle
9/10/1999 Observing Paul
9/10/1999 Zandelle
9/10/1999 Andy Sedars
9/11/1999 The Spunks
9/11/1999 Dose
9/11/1999 Psychonauts
9/11/1999 Psyhconauts
9/11/1999 The Spunks
9/15/1999 Mick Hart
9/15/1999 Blastronaut
9/15/1999 Unscarred
9/15/1999 Mick Hart
9/15/1999 The Lopes
9/15/1999 The Lopes
9/15/1999 Wounded
9/15/1999 Louise Anton
9/15/1999 Rebecca Rennie
9/15/1999 Tricky Woo
9/15/1999 Sinclaire
9/15/1999 Gaffer
9/15/1999 2 Minute Miracles
9/15/1999 Rebecca Rennie
9/17/1999 Lapdancers
9/17/1999 Hotchkiss
9/17/1999 Neandrathal Spongecake
9/17/1999 The Cogs
9/17/1999 The Deliriants
9/17/1999 Neandrathal Spongecake
9/17/1999 Foojin
9/17/1999 Aleutians
9/17/1999 Squabteen
9/17/1999 The Deliriants
9/17/1999 Mortimers Pajamas
9/18/1999 Tomovsky
9/18/1999 Orange Park
9/18/1999 Evelyn Forever
9/18/1999 Evelyn Forever
9/18/1999 Fingersoul
9/18/1999 Smoking Buddha
9/18/1999 Pleasuremax
9/18/1999 Tomovsky
9/18/1999 Pleasuremax
9/18/1999 Halfman Wonder
9/18/1999 Puller
9/18/1999 Puller
9/20/1999 Flow Mondays
9/23/1999 Kiddy Badass
9/23/1999 AM60
9/24/1999 Seeing Voices
9/24/1999 Last Generation
9/24/1999 Last Generation
9/24/1999 Seeing Voices
9/24/1999 Midnight Circus
9/24/1999 Collette
9/24/1999 Flo Mondays
9/25/1999 Sarah Brenner
9/25/1999 Outside Toy
9/25/1999 Outside Toy
9/25/1999 Micky and the Family Circus
9/25/1999 Carlton Fisk
9/27/1999 Kiddy Badass
9/29/1999 Cotton
9/30/1999 Kotton
9/30/1999 Theorum
9/30/1999 Amanda’s Waiting
10/1/1999 Clay Pigeons
10/1/1999 3 Against 4
10/1/1999 Indiana Jones
10/1/1999 Plankton
10/1/1999 Morgans Cannon
10/1/1999 Morgans Cannon
10/2/1999 Moe Green
10/2/1999 Moe Green
10/2/1999 Mankind
10/4/1999 Flo Monday
10/8/1999 Buzzmeg
10/8/1999 The Equation
10/8/1999 Jim Haze & The Buddha Brains
10/8/1999 Jim Haze & The Buddha Brains
10/8/1999 Sun
10/9/1999 PTS
10/9/1999 Collateral Damage
10/9/1999 Fujuci
10/9/1999 Ritual 6
10/9/1999 Fujuci
10/9/1999 PTS
10/9/1999 John Stratham
10/10/1999 Flo Mondays
10/10/1999 Flo Mondays
10/13/1999 Black Eyed Rosie
10/15/1999 Eurea
10/15/1999 Crambone
10/15/1999 The Habit
10/15/1999 Crambone
10/15/1999 Favorite Son
10/15/1999 John Phillipe Steele
10/15/1999 The Habit
10/16/1999 Den of Thieves
10/16/1999 Den of Thieves
10/16/1999 Favorite Son
10/16/1999 Package
10/18/1999 Flo Mondays
10/18/1999 Flo Mondays
10/21/1999 Pudding
10/22/1999 Full Tilt
10/22/1999 Revelation
10/22/1999 Full Tilt
10/23/1999 Outside Toy
10/23/1999 Suburban Trash
10/23/1999 Wash
10/23/1999 The Deliriants
10/23/1999 Spunks
10/23/1999 Last Generation
10/23/1999 Kiddy Badass
10/23/1999 Spunks
10/23/1999 Wash
10/25/1999 Flo Mondays
10/25/1999 Flo Mondays
10/28/1999 Amandas Waiting
10/28/1999 Amandas Waiting
10/28/1999 Rock
10/28/1999 Modus
10/29/1999 Desvio
10/29/1999 Law Byting Citizen
10/29/1999 Toka
10/29/1999 Pull
10/29/1999 Citizen Soup
10/29/1999 Desvio
10/30/1999 The Pants
10/31/1999 One Green Mile
11/1/1999 Flo Mondays
11/1/1999 Flo Mondays
11/1/1999 Flo Mondays
11/5/1999 Urban Blues Revival
11/5/1999 David Dragon
11/5/1999 Urban Blues Revival
11/5/1999 Under the Sun
11/5/1999 The Blisstones
11/6/1999 Walker
11/6/1999 Saucy Jack
11/6/1999 Aida
11/7/1999 Drum’n Bass
11/7/1999 Drum & bass
11/8/1999 Mathmatic Mondays
11/8/1999 Mathmatic Mondays
11/11/1999 Miller
11/11/1999 Kudabins
11/11/1999 Medicine Ball
11/11/1999 Kudabins
11/11/1999 Medicine Ball
11/12/1999 Custard Wally
11/12/1999 Xashinto
11/12/1999 Black Milk
11/12/1999 Black Milk
11/13/1999 Downpore
11/13/1999 Downpore
11/13/1999 Neon Venus
11/13/1999 Engine Orange
11/13/1999 Black Eyed Rosie
11/15/1999 Mathmatic Monday
11/15/1999 Mathmatic Monday
11/17/1999 Choka
11/17/1999 Bombs Away
11/17/1999 Faggot Feud
11/18/1999 Andrew Corey
11/18/1999 The Lopes
11/18/1999 The Lopes
11/18/1999 In Touch
11/19/1999 Kara Stover
11/19/1999 Da Poet & the Monkey
11/19/1999 Jon Phelps Steele
11/19/1999 Southfourth
11/20/1999 Finster Baby
11/20/1999 New Mexikans
11/20/1999 Finster Baby
11/20/1999 New Mexikans
11/20/1999 Lea Klein Play
11/20/1999 Parties
11/20/1999 Jana Peri
11/20/1999 Jana Peri
11/22/1999 Shatizar
11/22/1999 Mathmatic Monday
11/22/1999 Mathmatic Monday
11/24/1999 Velcrow, Inc
11/24/1999 Box Lunch
11/26/1999 WCF
11/26/1999 Clearview 77
11/26/1999 WCF
11/26/1999 Piranha Brothers
11/27/1999 Piranha Borhters
12/2/1999 Lo Phat
12/2/1999 Flow
12/2/1999 Guttersnipes
12/2/1999 Guttersnipes
12/3/1999 Hypertronics
12/3/1999 Atomsmasher
12/3/1999 Hypertonics
12/3/1999 Facial
12/4/1999 Brown Odds
12/4/1999 Sons of Brando
12/4/1999 Contra Pelo
12/5/1999 Plankton
12/6/1999 Mathmatic Mondaze
12/6/1999 Math Mondays
12/9/1999 Mad Things
12/9/1999 Heroes of the Alamo
12/9/1999 Heroes of the Alamo
12/10/1999 Pull
12/10/1999 My Own Grenade
12/10/1999 My Own Grenade
12/10/1999 Vertigo
12/10/1999 Vertigo
12/11/1999 Toka
12/11/1999 Smoking Cactus
12/11/1999 Smoking Cactus
12/12/1999 Drum & Bass
12/12/1999 One Green Mile
12/15/1999 Drum n’ Bass
12/15/1999 Drum & Bass
12/16/1999 Crooked Edge
12/16/1999 Crooked Edge
12/16/1999 Torpedoes
12/16/1999 Torpedoes
12/16/1999 Just Another Face
12/17/1999 JPS
12/17/1999 JPS
12/17/1999 Danielle Gasparo
12/17/1999 New Mexikans
12/18/1999 Law Byting Citizen
12/18/1999 Registered Trademark
12/18/1999 Last Generation
12/18/1999 Last Generation
12/21/1999 Shatizar
12/21/1999 Shatizar
12/23/1999 Rudy Crew
12/31/1999 Sick FM
I would like to purchase a DVD of the concert: 11/11/99 – Miller
would like to know if this ‘Medicine Ball’ show from 11/11/1999 is available
Yes, Medicine Ball show is available. I think you have it by now?