12 Bar Live Concerts 2002

12 Bar Live Concerts 2002
Presenting our 12 Bar lost concerts from 2002. These are what we have in the database for the year 2002 right up to the last one recorded.
To find a band on this page you can use the CTRL+F (find) on a pc and type the band name.
The concerts are all in date order.
Almost all these concerts are available. Contact us to request a DVD. Certain fees will apply to all orders.
1/11/2002 Florida
1/11/2002 Solomon Hayes
1/11/2002 Oska
1/11/2002 Florida
1/16/2002 La Honda
1/16/2002 Yuka Yamamoto
1/26/2002 Major Matt Mason
1/26/2002 Elizabeth Harper
1/29/2002 Bex Marshall
1/29/2002 Happenin Boy
1/30/2002 Peter Dizozza
1/30/2002 Kaito
Feb 2002
2/1/2002 John Devlin
2/1/2002 Tool Masters
2/1/2002 Berliners
2/6/2002 Jamie McDermott
2/6/2002 Alex McEwan
2/6/2002 Caroline Kendall
2/9/2002 Crisis Dance
2/9/2002 The Yuma Yamamoto Band
2/9/2002 Otis Mace
2/13/2002 Made
2/13/2002 Chaz
2/13/2002 Shovelhead
2/13/2002 Made
2/14/2002 Donna Dean
March and April 2002
3/5/2002 Christy
3/6/2002 Weatherman Say
3/7/2002 Lance Riley
3/8/2002 Mark Wright
3/8/2002 The Tinpots
3/8/2002 Southern Star
4/10/2002 The Dear Janes
4/11/2002 Robert Rotifer
4/11/2002 Williem Vincent
4/12/2002 Sam
4/12/2002 Florida
4/12/2002 Lianne Hall
4/12/2002 Charlotte Greig
4/12/2002 Sam
4/12/2002 Florida
4/16/2002 Annie
4/18/2002 Ethan Kaulas
4/18/2002 Joe Cobb
4/19/2002 Roscoe
4/19/2002 Deepriver
4/25/2002 Skyhook
4/25/2002 Jay Price
4/25/2002 Dexter Bentley
4/25/2002 Jay Price
4/27/2002 Sid Stronach
4/29/2002 The Croytons
4/30/2002 Chaz
4/30/2002 Cribabi
May 2002
5/2/2002 Artichoke
5/3/2002 Sara Wheeler
5/3/2002 Loudermilk
5/4/2002 Majika
5/4/2002 Knuckles and Nails
5/11/2002 Phil Ryan
5/11/2002 Rich Chapman
5/12/2002 The Chasers
5/17/2002 Mark Wright and the Band of Plenty
5/20/2002 Just Bizarre
5/22/2002 Damien Etherington
5/24/2002 Good Kung Foo
5/27/2002 Damien Etherington
5/27/2002 Sara Melson
June 2002
6/5/2002 Claes
6/6/2002 Sweet Apple Pie
6/19/2002 Ephemera
6/19/2002 Andy Bodean
6/21/2002 Hannah Schotten
6/26/2002 MPE Band