12 Bar Live Concerts 2001

12 Bar Live Concerts 2001
Presenting our 12 Bar lost concerts from 2001. These are what we have in the database for the year 2001 right up to New Years.
To find a band on this page you can use the CTRL+F (find) on a pc and type the band name.
The concerts are all in date order and page breaks are added for each month so you can find them all easier.
Almost all these concerts are available for sale. Contact us to request a DVD. Certain fees will apply to all orders.
1/6/2001 The Nott Sisters
1/6/2001 Folk Hollering
1/6/2001 Sonny George
1/7/2001 Peter Byrne
1/7/2001 Jamie McDermott
1/7/2001 Jamie Lawson
1/8/2001 Paul Sampson
1/8/2001 Amy Wadge
1/8/2001 Scarth Locke
1/8/2001 Amy Wadge
1/9/2001 Peter Blegvad
1/9/2001 Emma Tricca
1/10/2001 John Wayne Army
1/10/2001 Zebidee
1/11/2001 The Peaches
1/11/2001 Tram
1/11/2001 Rhatigan
1/12/2001 Kris Wilkenson
1/12/2001 Hector Rowland
1/12/2001 Jason McNiff
1/12/2001 Richard Ecclestore
1/13/2001 The Mandarines
1/13/2001 Toby James
1/13/2001 Green Field
1/13/2001 Semble
1/13/2001 The Mandarines
1/14/2001 Nish
1/14/2001 The Marseille Figs
1/14/2001 The Marselle Figs
1/14/2001 Nish second set
1/15/2001 Karman
1/15/2001 Clair
1/15/2001 Bromide
1/16/2001 Spek
1/17/2001 Gonzo Op
1/17/2001 Russell James Palmer and the Lovers
1/17/2001 Josephine Oniyama
1/18/2001 Jason McNiff
1/18/2001 Joseph Porter
1/19/2001 Luke Meddings
1/19/2001 Wyatt James
1/20/2001 Morten Abel
1/20/2001 Kris Wilkinson
1/20/2001 Ember
1/20/2001 Chris Wilkinson
1/21/2001 Morten Abel
1/21/2001 Paul Wood
1/21/2001 Morten Abel
1/21/2001 Myk Gordon
1/22/2001 Myk Gordon
1/22/2001 Duke Garwood
1/22/2001 Ari Vais
1/22/2001 Brendon Gomez
1/22/2001 Myk Gordon
1/23/2001 Jason McNiff
1/23/2001 Andy Scheinman
1/23/2001 Darryl Purpose
1/24/2001 Jim Usmar
1/24/2001 Andy Perrot
1/24/2001 Julia Greenberg
1/24/2001 Benson
1/24/2001 Robbie and Charlotte
1/27/2001 Karyn Black
1/27/2001 Jason McNiff
1/27/2001 Karyn Black
1/28/2001 Mark Braby, Steve Beresford and Acan Thomlinson
1/28/2001 The Singing Luchedors
1/28/2001 Richard Sanderson
1/28/2001 Lol Coxhill with Knut Aufwerman
1/29/2001 Colin Tyrer
1/29/2001 Piece of Mind
1/30/2001 Rebecca Hollweg
1/30/2001 Hope Fiend
1/30/2001 Lazenby
1/31/2001 Sid Stronach and the Littluns
1/31/2001 Songdog
Feb 2001
2/1/2001 Tally Corer
2/1/2001 Jerry Joseph & The Jack Mormons
2/1/2001 Paul May Trio
2/1/2001 Pure Grain
2/1/2001 Jerry Joseph & The Jack Mormons
2/2/2001 Joan Bottomley
2/2/2001 Zebidee
2/2/2001 Deep River
2/2/2001 Zebidee
2/3/2001 Adeola
2/3/2001 Delta Blue
2/3/2001 The Brothers Falloon
2/3/2001 Little Big Mouth
2/3/2001 Spek
2/3/2001 Tom Clues
2/4/2001 A.T. Wells
2/4/2001 Quiara
2/5/2001 Little Big Mouth
2/5/2001 John Crooke
2/6/2001 Chris Dreyden and Scott Taylor
2/6/2001 The Jones Machine
2/6/2001 Antonia
2/6/2001 Benson
2/7/2001 Townes Van Zandt Tribute
2/7/2001 Cage
2/7/2001 Jamie Mc Dermott
2/7/2001 Kathleen Haskard
2/8/2001 El Hula
2/8/2001 Rhatigan
2/8/2001 Parachute
2/8/2001 Tabasco
2/8/2001 Rhatigan
2/9/2001 Antonia
2/9/2001 Tamara Williamson
2/10/2001 Eric Blakely
2/10/2001 Aqua Shack
2/10/2001 Eric Blakely
2/11/2001 Me and Bobby
2/11/2001 Hector Rowland
2/11/2001 Brendon Gomez
2/11/2001 Me & Bobby
2/12/2001 Sweet Laredo
2/12/2001 Neil Scott
2/12/2001 Lazenby
2/12/2001 GH Rec
2/12/2001 Lazenby
2/13/2001 Paul Wood
2/13/2001 Bromide
2/13/2001 Tamara Williamson
2/14/2001 Jont
2/14/2001 Lee Haley
2/14/2001 Sam Semple
2/15/2001 Scarth Locke
2/16/2001 Kealan
2/16/2001 Russell James Palmer and the Lovers
2/16/2001 Live Meddings
2/17/2001 Dave Westlake & The Music
2/17/2001 Lovers
2/17/2001 Folk Hollering
2/17/2001 Carbon 13
2/18/2001 Fairless Masterman
2/18/2001 Peter Cusack
2/18/2001 Kev Hopper
2/18/2001 Ed Baxter
2/18/2001 Richard Sanderson
2/18/2001 Peter Cusack
2/19/2001 Loafer
2/19/2001 Minnow
2/19/2001 Kristy McGee
2/19/2001 Vinnie Peculiar
2/19/2001 Loafer
2/20/2001 Tom Clues
2/20/2001 Simon Allen
2/21/2001 Mat Deighton
2/21/2001 Pete Stanley & Wizz Jones
2/21/2001 Jason McNiff
2/22/2001 Kirk Lake
2/22/2001 Graham
2/22/2001 Santa Sprees
2/22/2001 Spek
2/22/2001 Patrick Byrne
2/22/2001 Patrick Byrne
2/24/2001 Toby James
2/24/2001 Hope Fiend
2/24/2001 Amy Fairchild
2/24/2001 Jones Machine
2/24/2001 Hope Fiend
2/24/2001 Toby James
2/25/2001 The Nott Sisters
2/25/2001 Jeremy Wagner
2/25/2001 Bob Cheevers
2/26/2001 The Wallchasers
2/26/2001 The Libertines
2/26/2001 Hazeldine
2/27/2001 Helen Bouldins
2/27/2001 Chris Drew and Toby May
2/27/2001 Amy Fairchild
2/27/2001 Helen Boulding
2/27/2001 The Yuka Yamamoto Band
2/28/2001 Doug Schwartz
2/28/2001 Jeremy Wagner
2/28/2001 Jeff Finlin
March 2001
3/1/2001 Andy Perrot
3/1/2001 Me & Bobby
3/1/2001 Leslie Nuss
3/1/2001 Chris Drew & Toby May
3/2/2001 Deep River
3/2/2001 Red Chord
3/2/2001 Trickster
3/2/2001 Flipsiders
3/3/2001 Mark Wright
3/3/2001 The Croutons
3/3/2001 Mark Wright
3/4/2001 Jan Bell
3/4/2001 Sid Griffen and the Bluegrass Folk
3/5/2001 James Hindle
3/5/2001 The Rivulets
3/5/2001 Sweet Laredo
3/5/2001 The Butcher Boy
3/5/2001 Sweet Laredo
3/6/2001 The Moore Brothers
3/6/2001 Mark Mulcahy
3/7/2001 Townes Van Zandt Tribute
3/8/2001 Michael J Sheehy
3/8/2001 Rhatigan
3/8/2001 Chris T. T.
3/8/2001 Rhatigan
3/9/2001 Robbie and Charlotte
3/9/2001 Charlie Grant
3/9/2001 Robbie & Charlotte
3/9/2001 Richard Ecclestone
3/10/2001 Anti-Product
3/10/2001 Zeta Reticoli
3/10/2001 Anti-Product
3/11/2001 Chris Dreyer & Scott Taylor
3/11/2001 Nev Hawkins
3/11/2001 The Weight
3/12/2001 Dom Brown
3/13/2001 Bromide
3/13/2001 Andy Onyx
3/13/2001 Jamie McDermott
3/13/2001 Zebidee
3/13/2001 Luke Meddings
3/13/2001 Aqualina
3/13/2001 Zebidee
3/14/2001 Julie Anne McCambridge
3/14/2001 Article Dan
3/14/2001 Jont
3/14/2001 Brendan Burton
3/14/2001 Jont
3/15/2001 Aquilina
3/15/2001 Luke Meddings
3/16/2001 Andy White
3/16/2001 The Eulipians
3/16/2001 Andy White
3/17/2001 Edwina Hayes
3/17/2001 Andy White
3/17/2001 Siobhan Parr
3/17/2001 Andy White
3/18/2001 David Bond
3/18/2001 Ian Bell
3/18/2001 Mouse
3/18/2001 David Bond
3/18/2001 Mouse
3/19/2001 Dan Stevens
3/19/2001 Lucious Chao
3/19/2001 Sergeant Buzfuz
3/19/2001 Lucious Chilo
3/19/2001 Dan Stevens
3/20/2001 Bullet Gallow
3/20/2001 Me & Bobby
3/21/2001 AI Phoenix
3/21/2001 David Bond
3/21/2001 AI Phoenix
3/22/2001 Rich Webb
3/22/2001 Invisible Inc
3/23/2001 Nick Saloman & Ade Shaw
3/23/2001 Flyte Reaction
3/23/2001 Anton Barbeau
3/24/2001 Pimp
3/24/2001 Duke Garwood
3/24/2001 Uncanny
3/25/2001 Ed Baxter
3/25/2001 Phil Durrant
3/25/2001 Anna Homler Trio
3/25/2001 Dildano
3/25/2001 Richard Sanderson
3/25/2001 London Psychographic Association
3/26/2001 James Hindle
3/26/2001 Loose Confederation
3/27/2001 Benson
3/27/2001 Le Merde
3/27/2001 Anna Page
3/27/2001 Benson
3/28/2001 Rattling Blue
3/28/2001 Jamie McDermott
3/28/2001 Rattling Blue
3/28/2001 Barry Allen
3/29/2001 Tears in X-Ray Eyes
3/29/2001 The Late Comers
3/30/2001 Pool
3/30/2001 Gamine
3/30/2001 Pool
3/30/2001 Flipsiders
3/31/2001 Hopper Island
3/31/2001 Kris Wilkinson
3/31/2001 Simon Walsh
3/31/2001 The Libertines
April 2001
4/1/2001 Nigel Burch & The Fleapit Orchestra
4/1/2001 Birdyak
4/1/2001 Burdyak
4/1/2001 Philip Cane
4/2/2001 Bewley Brothers
4/2/2001 Ben Arthur
4/2/2001 Ian King
4/2/2001 Grant Olding
4/3/2001 Heidi Berry
4/3/2001 Lazenby
4/3/2001 Helen Boulding
4/5/2001 Duke Garwood
4/5/2001 Barry Crompton
4/5/2001 Hope Fiend
4/5/2001 Lucious Chio
4/7/2001 Modus Vivendi
4/7/2001 John Sloman
4/8/2001 Eric Blakely
4/8/2001 Latecomers
4/9/2001 Dexter Bentley
4/9/2001 Ben Arthur
4/9/2001 Bromide
4/10/2001 Chris Dreyer and Scott Taylor
4/10/2001 Alpha Cat
4/10/2001 Gonzo OP
4/10/2001 Ephemera
4/11/2001 Bootis
4/11/2001 Christina Baker
4/11/2001 Jont
4/11/2001 Susie Hue
4/12/2001 Rhatigan
4/12/2001 Lyndsey Cockwell
4/12/2001 Horse Power
4/13/2001 Eulipians
4/13/2001 The Litlunz
4/13/2001 Ruby Kane
4/13/2001 The Littlunz
4/14/2001 Hank Dogs
4/14/2001 Steve Daggert
4/15/2001 Plunk
4/15/2001 Alan Wilkinson
4/15/2001 John Chris & John Bissett
4/15/2001 Beyond the Boom
4/15/2001 Plunk
4/17/2001 The Jigsaw Seen
4/17/2001 Circulus
4/17/2001 The Halcyon Band
4/18/2001 Jont
4/18/2001 Apian Son
4/18/2001 Matt Deighton
4/19/2001 Lionel Lodge & Brother Bro
4/19/2001 Velvetone
4/19/2001 Bromide
4/20/2001 Stonefish
4/20/2001 Chris Von Schiedem
4/20/2001 Chris Kahl
4/20/2001 Stonefish
4/21/2001 Cool Hand
4/21/2001 Redlands Palomino Co
4/21/2001 Keane
4/22/2001 Katie Jackson
4/22/2001 Jim Usmar
4/23/2001 Joe Quillin
4/23/2001 Dave Russell
4/23/2001 Joe Quillin
4/23/2001 Naked Angel
4/23/2001 Rob Mullender
4/24/2001 Matt Backer
4/24/2001 Andy Perrot
4/24/2001 Amy Rigby
4/25/2001 Kellie White
4/25/2001 Elizabeth Cutler
4/26/2001 Skyhook
4/26/2001 Rank Outsider
4/27/2001 The Halcyon Band
4/27/2001 Kirsty Hawkshaw
4/28/2001 Greenfield
4/29/2001 The Original Bee Keepers
4/29/2001 Live Batts
4/29/2001 Lego
4/29/2001 The Original Bee Keepers
4/29/2001 Richard Sanderson
4/30/2001 The Mandarins
4/30/2001 Hanna Schotten
4/30/2001 David Juriansz
May 2001
5/1/2001 Ticklish
5/1/2001 Die Trip Computer Die
5/1/2001 Keith Rowe
5/2/2001 Katja
5/3/2001 Has
5/3/2001 Tom Hodgman
5/3/2001 Amrit Sond
5/4/2001 Aquilina
5/4/2001 J. C.
5/4/2001 Deep River
5/5/2001 Mark Wright
5/5/2001 CFOS Catastrophe From Outer Space
5/5/2001 Mark Wright
5/5/2001 Pug
5/7/2001 Nick Doyle Ditmas
5/7/2001 Pure Grain
5/7/2001 Patrice Chevalier
5/7/2001 The Eulipians
5/7/2001 Viv Motel
5/7/2001 Tony English
5/7/2001 Wyatt James Trio
5/8/2001 Jacob Golden
5/8/2001 Jamie Lawson
5/8/2001 Paula Frazer
5/8/2001 Me & Bobby
5/9/2001 Justin Gibson
5/10/2001 Rhatigan
5/10/2001 Aqute Couch
5/10/2001 Jubilation Lee
5/11/2001 Kate Garrett
5/11/2001 The Slippermen
5/11/2001 Hope Fiend
5/11/2001 Virginia McNaughton
5/11/2001 Hope Fiend
5/12/2001 Dexter Bentley
5/12/2001 The Beach Buleios
5/13/2001 Bob Collum
5/13/2001 Silver Ice and The 24 Royals
5/13/2001 Kealan
5/14/2001 The Nott Sisters
5/14/2001 Jon Lacy
5/15/2001 E.C. Moore
5/15/2001 Shara Worden
5/15/2001 Cameron Dezen
5/16/2001 Dolly Varden
5/16/2001 Gordon Haskell
5/17/2001 Chicken of the Woods
5/17/2001 Ricky Spontane
5/17/2001 Chicken of The Woods
5/17/2001 Julie Ann McAmrbidge
5/18/2001 Charlie Grant
5/18/2001 Robbie & Charlotte & The Worldos
5/18/2001 Lukax Santana
5/19/2001 Duke Garwood
5/20/2001 Richard Sanderson
5/20/2001 Charles Heyward
5/20/2001 Scopac
5/20/2001 The Unseemly Trio
5/21/2001 Alex McNish
5/21/2001 Booker Finch
5/21/2001 Bex Marshall
5/21/2001 Clear
5/21/2001 Booker Finch
5/22/2001 Al Tuck
5/22/2001 Helen Boulding
5/23/2001 Pimp
5/23/2001 Magical Orange
5/23/2001 Edwina Hayes
5/24/2001 Leonard And Sophie
5/24/2001 Ellia Morgan
5/24/2001 David Petie
5/25/2001 Stewart Lewis
5/25/2001 Chris Kahl
5/25/2001 Tandy
5/25/2001 Stewart Lewis
5/26/2001 Stewart Lewis
5/26/2001 Magical Orange
5/27/2001 Trish Murphy
5/27/2001 Kevin Montgomery with Trish Murphy
5/30/2001 Jake Rodrigues
5/30/2001 Bowfinger
5/31/2001 Sumo
5/31/2001 Spin
5/31/2001 Pimp
June 2001
6/1/2001 Rich Webb
6/1/2001 Zebidee
6/1/2001 Rich Webb
6/1/2001 Flipsiders
6/2/2001 Jonny Marshall
6/2/2001 Amphibic
6/2/2001 Zeta Reticuli
6/2/2001 Knievil
6/3/2001 Del Sloan
6/3/2001 Joe Hamilton
6/4/2001 Jemima Price
6/4/2001 Dara kirsten
6/4/2001 Jemima Price
6/4/2001 Rebecca Hall
6/4/2001 Caroline Tretting & Ian Kearey
6/4/2001 Alan O Rourke
6/5/2001 Sam Obernik
6/5/2001 Lomanis
6/5/2001 Julie Anne McCambridge
6/5/2001 Katja
6/6/2001 The Reason Why
6/6/2001 Jamie McDermott
6/6/2001 Davide Sanna
6/7/2001 Mark Mulcahy
6/7/2001 Mark Malcahy
6/7/2001 Songdog
6/7/2001 Marianne Hyatt
6/8/2001 Artisan
6/8/2001 The 3Tles
6/8/2001 Peter Salett
6/9/2001 The Face
6/9/2001 Psychodrama
6/10/2001 Celtic Bones
6/11/2001 Lazenby
6/12/2001 Claudia Nygaard
6/12/2001 Edwina Hayes
6/12/2001 Ian Da Zilwa
6/14/2001 Rhatigan
6/14/2001 Jack Hayter
6/14/2001 Ant
6/14/2001 Elaine Palmer
6/15/2001 Carbon 13
6/19/2001 Kerry Jay
6/19/2001 Wesley King
6/19/2001 Bob Strano
6/20/2001 Jeff & Vida
6/20/2001 Matt Hill
6/21/2001 Bullet Galloway
6/21/2001 Pure
6/22/2001 Last Harbor
6/22/2001 Tanakh
6/22/2001 Silver Springs
6/22/2001 James Hindle & Ben Phillipson
6/22/2001 Graham
6/22/2001 Stars On The Water
6/23/2001 Ethan Andrews
6/23/2001 Horsepower
6/24/2001 Goem
6/24/2001 Fibre Liquor
6/24/2001 Sisters Webb
6/24/2001 Kaffe Matthews
6/25/2001 Jeff & Vida
6/26/2001 Sisters Webb
6/26/2001 Deep River
6/26/2001 Bromide
6/27/2001 Matt Deighton
6/28/2001 Spin
6/28/2001 God Like Genius
6/28/2001 Milk And Honey Band
6/28/2001 Sideshow
6/29/2001 Hieronymus
6/29/2001 Richard Ecclestone
6/30/2001 Patrice Chevalier
6/30/2001 Clear
6/30/2001 Clare Begley
July 2001
7/1/2001 The Mercy Bell
7/1/2001 Gus Glen
7/2/2001 Lazenby
7/3/2001 Travis T. Merle
7/4/2001 Mary May McGill
7/4/2001 Alan O Rouke
7/5/2001 Me & Bobby
7/5/2001 Charlotte Greig
7/5/2001 Mouse
7/6/2001 Dexter Bently
7/6/2001 Chicken of the Woods
7/7/2001 Carbon 13
7/7/2001 Sid Shomach & the Littlunz
7/7/2001 John Devlin
7/8/2001 Flicking Vs
7/8/2001 Skinny Millionaires
7/9/2001 John Herald
7/9/2001 Jason McNiff and Andy Hartdog
7/10/2001 Amber Shades
7/10/2001 Petra
7/11/2001 Skua
7/11/2001 Amrit Sond
7/11/2001 Sam Genders
7/12/2001 Rhatigan
7/12/2001 Mark Alder
7/12/2001 Headshoppe
7/12/2001 El Hula
7/13/2001 The Low fi Funksters
7/13/2001 Uncanny
7/14/2001 Viv Youell
7/14/2001 Patrice Chevalier
7/15/2001 Mind Lobster
7/15/2001 Dog Heads
7/15/2001 Sarah Peeble
7/15/2001 Richard Sanderson
7/15/2001 Vic Twenty
7/16/2001 The Coustics
7/16/2001 Scott Norman
7/16/2001 Andy McDonell
7/16/2001 Karyn Black
7/17/2001 Jake Rodrigues
7/17/2001 Paul Burch
7/18/2001 The Conversation
7/19/2001 Tom McKean
7/19/2001 Jody Wildgoose
7/19/2001 Troy Young Campbell
7/20/2001 Horsepower
7/21/2001 Coley
7/21/2001 Mark Wright
7/22/2001 Troy Young Campbell
7/22/2001 Rosie Brown
7/23/2001 Pure Grain
7/23/2001 Bish
7/23/2001 Pure Grain
7/23/2001 Merri May Gill
7/24/2001 Josephine Oniyama
7/24/2001 Emma McGlynn
7/25/2001 Spiderhound
7/25/2001 Madeline
7/25/2001 Mark Bushby
7/25/2001 Madeleine
7/25/2001 The Lumiere Brothers
7/26/2001 Rachel Loshack
7/26/2001 Mozer
7/26/2001 Morgan Taylor
7/26/2001 Morgan Taylor
7/27/2001 Stephanie Seager
7/27/2001 Sonny George
7/28/2001 Cheyne Pride
7/28/2001 Rachek Seager
7/28/2001 Sonny George
7/29/2001 The Bottom Line
7/29/2001 Jacob Golden
7/30/2001 Kerry Jay
7/30/2001 Ethan Andrews
7/30/2001 Edwina Hayes
7/31/2001 Victoria
7/31/2001 The Raconturs
7/31/2001 Louise Scott
7/31/2001 Victoria
August 2001
8/1/2001 Story Box
8/1/2001 Jamie McDermott
8/1/2001 D’Arcy
8/2/2001 Tin
8/2/2001 Jake Rodrigues
8/2/2001 CFOS
8/2/2001 Julie Anne McCambridge
8/3/2001 Django Haskins
8/3/2001 Jamie Redmond
8/3/2001 Jacob Golden
8/4/2001 I.V. Webb
8/4/2001 John Devlin
8/5/2001 Raygun
8/5/2001 Circulus
8/5/2001 Goedwing
8/6/2001 Cordisto
8/6/2001 Loafer
8/6/2001 Loafer
8/7/2001 Dare Her
8/7/2001 Jacob Golden
8/7/2001 Josephine Onyama
8/8/2001 Jont
8/9/2001 Rhatigan
8/9/2001 Fiona Brice
8/9/2001 Paddy Wanash
8/9/2001 Rhatagan
8/9/2001 Amy Wadge
8/9/2001 Nathalie
8/10/2001 Mick Hart
8/10/2001 Mick Hart
8/10/2001 The Lumiere Brothers
8/10/2001 The LoFi Funksters
8/11/2001 Trickster
8/11/2001 Pure
8/11/2001 Pure
8/11/2001 Who Will Miss Mary
8/11/2001 Trickster
8/12/2001 Darrell Bath
8/13/2001 Lach
8/13/2001 Jason McNiff
8/13/2001 Hank Dogs
8/13/2001 Jason McNiff
8/14/2001 Duncan Reid
8/14/2001 Donna Dean
8/14/2001 Donna Dean
8/15/2001 Gonzo Op
8/15/2001 Chaz
8/15/2001 Emma McGlynn
8/15/2001 Gonzo Op
8/15/2001 Jacob Golden
8/16/2001 Cribabi
8/16/2001 Lach
8/16/2001 Lach
8/16/2001 Bikini
8/16/2001 Emma McGlynn
8/16/2001 Duke Garwod
8/17/2001 The Duvals
8/18/2001 Mike West And Mishkin
8/18/2001 Mike West and Mushkin
8/18/2001 Jen Charleton
8/18/2001 Mike West and Mushkin
8/19/2001 Terra Folk
8/19/2001 Terra Folk
8/19/2001 Emma McGlynn
8/19/2001 CFOS
8/20/2001 Elan
8/21/2001 Me And Bobby
8/21/2001 Me And Bobby
8/21/2001 Chaz
8/22/2001 Dexter Bentley
8/22/2001 Dexter Bentley
8/23/2001 Jacob Golden
8/23/2001 The Luminere Brothers
8/23/2001 Kira and The Kindred Spirit
8/24/2001 Tom McKean
8/24/2001 Nectar
8/24/2001 Patrice Chavalier Lo Fi Funksters
8/24/2001 The LoFi Funksters
8/25/2001 Antonia
8/25/2001 John Devlin
8/25/2001 Flipsiders
8/26/2001 The Nobel Fell
8/26/2001 Lyndsey Cockwell
8/26/2001 Toshi Makihara & Steve Beresford
8/26/2001 Dead Voices On Air
8/26/2001 Nectar
8/26/2001 Richard Sanderson
8/26/2001 The Nobel Fell
8/28/2001 Sergeant Buzfuz
8/28/2001 Tin
8/28/2001 CFOS
8/28/2001 Sergeant Buzfuz
8/29/2001 Chaz
8/29/2001 Clear
8/30/2001 Will Tidey
8/30/2001 Andrew Robertson
8/30/2001 Benson Peach NO CONTRACT
8/30/2001 Jacob Golden
8/30/2001 Jacob Golden
8/30/2001 Jo Morgan NO CONTRACT
September 2001
9/1/2001 Mark Wright
9/1/2001 Mark Wright
9/2/2001 Fuse
9/2/2001 Bronze
9/2/2001 Fuse
9/2/2001 Bell Rock
9/2/2001 Bell Rock
9/3/2001 Matt Dieghton & Nicola Bright-Thomas
9/4/2001 Kevin Montgomery
9/4/2001 Kevin Montgomery
9/4/2001 Haves and Haves
9/5/2001 Treeshin
9/5/2001 Mellow Sun
9/5/2001 Katya
9/6/2001 Kidd Dynamo
9/6/2001 Jake Rodrigues
9/6/2001 Blindsight
9/6/2001 Kid Dynamo
9/7/2001 Wilby
9/7/2001 Lo Fi Funksters
9/7/2001 Wilby
9/8/2001 Yvonne Moore and Matt Callaghan
9/8/2001 Wes McGhee
9/8/2001 Yvonne Moore
9/8/2001 Matt Callaghan
9/8/2001 Franks and Vetta
9/8/2001 Wes McGee
9/8/2001 Blindsight
9/9/2001 Trelik
9/9/2001 Seven Dials
9/9/2001 Kupid Stunt
9/9/2001 Kupid Stunt
9/11/2001 Die Trip Computer Die
9/11/2001 Die Trip Computer Die
9/11/2001 Bing Selfish
9/13/2001 Rhatigan
9/13/2001 Adam Tedder
9/14/2001 Tony English
9/14/2001 The Sorentinos
9/14/2001 Kris Wilkinson
9/14/2001 The Sorentinos
9/15/2001 Jason McNiff
9/15/2001 Florida
9/15/2001 McDowell
9/15/2001 Jason McNiff
9/15/2001 Redlands Palomino Company
9/16/2001 The Fleapit Orchestra
9/16/2001 The Fleapit Orchestra
9/16/2001 Mary’s Mates
9/16/2001 Jason McNiff
9/17/2001 Jason McNiff
9/17/2001 A Last Air Airline Stall
9/18/2001 Most 8
9/18/2001 Idiot Son
9/18/2001 Idiot Son
9/19/2001 Tom Hingley
9/19/2001 Tom Hingley
9/19/2001 Gonzo Op
9/20/2001 Me & Bobby
9/20/2001 The Bewley Brothers
9/20/2001 The Bewley Brothers
9/20/2001 Song Dog
9/21/2001 Cheyne Pride
9/21/2001 Sonny George
9/21/2001 Sonny George
9/22/2001 Head Shoppe
9/22/2001 Head Shoppe
9/23/2001 James Goldsmith
9/23/2001 Lucian
9/23/2001 Lucian
9/24/2001 Jamie Lawson
9/24/2001 Becky Dune
9/24/2001 Becky Duke
9/24/2001 Jamie Lawson
9/24/2001 Saskia Tomilson
9/25/2001 Drink Me
9/26/2001 Kira and the Kindred Spirit
9/26/2001 Toby James
9/26/2001 Matt Helm
9/26/2001 Mad Eleine
9/26/2001 Toby James
9/26/2001 Madeline
9/27/2001 Jon Lacy
9/27/2001 Jon Lach
9/27/2001 Carnival of Souls
9/27/2001 Caroline Alexander
9/29/2001 John Devlin
9/29/2001 The Jewish Brothers
9/29/2001 The Jewish Brothers
9/29/2001 The Wall Chasers
9/29/2001 John Devlin
9/30/2001 Pocket
9/30/2001 Pocket
9/30/2001 Ed Bannett and Steve Halfyard
Oct 2001
10/1/2001 Antonia
10/1/2001 Kevin Montgomery
10/1/2001 Kevin Montgomery
10/1/2001 Dean Owens and Al Perkins
10/1/2001 Cheyne Pride
10/2/2001 Toni Catlin
10/2/2001 Toni Catlin
10/3/2001 Paul Cowlin
10/3/2001 Case
10/3/2001 Rattling Blue
10/4/2001 Luke Doucet
10/4/2001 Luke Doucet
10/4/2001 Jake Rodrigues
10/4/2001 David Lamotte
10/4/2001 Sergant Buzfuz
10/5/2001 Jamie Redmond
10/5/2001 Charlie Grant
10/5/2001 Patrice Chevalier Lo Fi Funkster
10/5/2001 Charlie Grant
10/6/2001 Eric Blakely
10/6/2001 Eric Blakely
10/6/2001 El Hula
10/8/2001 Julie Anne McCambridge
10/8/2001 Julie Anne McCambridge
10/8/2001 Skva
10/8/2001 Simon Allen
10/9/2001 John Doe (Brothers)
10/9/2001 Amber Shades
10/9/2001 Amber Shades
10/10/2001 Ramona (no contract – No SALES)
10/10/2001 Leonard NG
10/10/2001 Arleans (Big Steve)
10/11/2001 Kamilla And The Electrolites
10/11/2001 Lianne Hall
10/11/2001 Eugene Wolsten Holme (long Good Luck)
10/11/2001 Eugene Wolsten Holme
10/13/2001 James Hunter
10/13/2001 Patrice Chevalier & BJ Cole
10/13/2001 Patrice Chevalier Trio
10/13/2001 Caroline Trettine
10/14/2001 Throat Oyster
10/14/2001 Mark Thorn Band
10/14/2001 Kathleen Haskard
10/14/2001 Lounge Fly
10/14/2001 Throat Oyster
10/22/2001 Blindsight
10/23/2001 Tandy
10/23/2001 Jim Roll
10/23/2001 Tandy
10/26/2001 The Littlunz
10/27/2001 Andy White
10/27/2001 Andy White
November – December 2001
11/5/2001 Matt Helm
11/8/2001 The Screwtape Brothers
11/9/2001 Rob Lamothe
11/15/2001 Daniel Rachel
11/22/2001 Pellet Head
12/8/2001 Mick Cervino
12/8/2001 Janowel
12/12/2001 Gamine
12/12/2001 Chaz
12/19/2001 The Coates
12/21/2001 James Baker
12/21/2001 The Millionaires
12/21/2001 Blindsight
12/21/2001 Flipsiders
12/21/2001 Blindsight
11/22/2001 Pellet Head
Interested in The HankDogs video. have promoted your site to Rita Lynch, Jason McNiff, Loose Music, hankdogs, Peter Bruntnell. You have a trove of treasure. Will be telling my mate Simon Bromide too.
Interested in Jacob Golden show on 5/8/2001 .. Is it a full show with several songs or he only performed one song?? please let me know that and how to order the concert.
That is a full show, about 45 minutes. Just contact us using the https://www.lostconcerts.com/contact/ and let us know you want it all.